US Judge McAliley has denied United Corp’s request for an extension to serve accusations to Bitmain and its CEO, Jihan Wu, citing the plaintiff has more than enough time to send the necessary documents across.
Bitmain and Others Get a Lucky Break
The US court appears to getting fed up with the plaintiff in the high profile lawsuit against Bitmain, Roger Ver, Kraken, and others. United Corp., recently requested an additional 90 day extension period to serve translated documents to Hong Kong-incorporated crypto giant, Bitmain, having already had over a year to do so.
The accusations state that the Beijing-based exchange and others were involved in a scheme to hijack the network of Bitcoin Cash, and its native cryptocurrency. This also included attempts to gain control over the BCH market. However, the Magistrate Judge, Chris McAliley, denied the request, confirming the October deadline.
The judge stated that United Corp had already had a very generous period to send over the files to Bitmain, and that the period is now over. The fact that the plaintiff failed to use the given period indicates that they made no real effort to serve the defendants. The company was originally given 90 days to do it, and then an extension of an extra 6 months.
The judge continued,
Plaintiff knew from the outset that it would be serving foreign defendants in foreign countries, yet waited between six and eight months into the case to translate the complaint and summonses, without justification.
Further, the judge also recommended that the two foreign defendants — Bitcoin Cash developer, Amaury Sechet from France, and Saint Bitts LLC, from Saint Kitts and Nevis — are dismissed due to the lack of service.
United Corp. accuses Roger Ver,, and others of BCH manipulation
United Corp. claimed that all of the entities targeted by the suit were involved in a scheme to hijack and centralize the BCH market, including renowned Bitcoin Cash proponent, Roger Ver. In addition, the suit claims that this was in violation of accepted protocols and standards, which were in place since the market’s inception.
The complaint consists of eight parts in total, and includes the violations of the Clayton Act, negligence, the violation of the Sherman Act, unjust enrichment, negligent misrepresentation, and finally, conversion.
Finally, United Corp. claimed that it had invested a major sum of $4 million in the construction and development of mining facilities that use its cooling infrastructure, known as BlockchainDome. However, according to the complaint, the BlockchainDome also suffered a lot of damage after it was excluded from the network, as well as due to the coin’s loss of value, and increased uncertainty caused by the supposed manipulation of the coin’s market, and attempts to centralize it.
What do you think about the new development regarding the United Corp. case? Join the discussion and leave your thoughts on the matter in the comments below.
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In a recent report, the United Corp claims the courts should not dismiss Bitmain from the U.S. antitrust suit, as Bitmain had asked. However, Bitmain is insisting that the court should wave off the case because the crypto company had missed a deadline to serve its claim against Bitmain. After Bitmain’s request to the court, […]
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Several prominent players tightly related to the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) cryptocurrency network asked to be dismissed from a suit over their alleged “hijacking” of the crypto coin network. United American Corp.
United American Corp. (UnitedCorp), a digital technologies company focused on developing products related to blockchain technologies, and cryptocurrency mining (among other practices) has decided to take legal action against the most critical players on the BCHABC camp of the infamous “BCH hash war“, accusing them of manipulating not only the market but also the core […]
The post UnitedCorps Launches Suit Against BCH ABC Supporters.
Американская компания United American Corp. подала судебный иск против Bitmain, Bitcoin. com, лично Роджера Вера и биржи Kraken. Фирма обвиняет их в попытке захватить контроль над сетью Bitcoin Cash во время хардфорка криптовалюты.
Располагающаяся в Майами корпорация United American Corp (United Corp), владеющая крупными центрами обработки данных в Квебеке, подала иск в Федеральный суд США против 10 компаний, обвиняя их в нарушении законодательства в процессе войны за хэш в процессе форма криптовалюты bitcoin cash.
On December 6, 2018, publicly listed American internet services company UnitedCorp filed a lawsuit against Bitcoin Cash proponent Roger Ver, the founder of bitcoin. com, bitcoin mining giant Bitmain and cryptocurrency exchange Kraken for allegedly hijacking Bitcoin Cash network unlawfully for personal benefit.
Roger Ver, Bitcoin. com, Bitmain, and Kraken are all sued by UnitedCorp over an alleged complot to hijack the Bitcoin Cash network for their own personal gain. United Corp. Sues Bitcoin. com, Bitmain, Kraken If the Bitcoin Cash fork fall-out that made November one of crypto’s most volatile months on record wasn’t bad enough, the nightmare continues.
Технологическая компания United American Corp (UnitedCorp) подала в суд на Bitmain, биржу Kraken, портал Bitcoin. com, Роджера Вера и других лиц, вовлеченных в «хорошо спланированную схему по захвату контроля над сетью Bitcoin Cash».
Американская компания United American Corp. (UnitedCorp) подала в суд на компанию Bitmain, сайт Bitcoin. com, Роджера Вера и биржу Kraken. Об этом стало известно из пресс-релиза, опубликованного 6 декабря.
Роджер Вер, а также криптобиржи Bitmain и Kraken обвинили в предполагаемом использовании манипуляций в период проведения обновления сети Bitcoin Cash, сообщает издание Cointelegraph. По данным источника, компания United American Corp (UnitedCorp), якобы подала иск против Bitmain, Bitcoin.
Находящаяся в Майами компания United American Corp (UnitedCorp) сообщила, что обратилась в Окружной суд Южного округа штата Флорида с требованием возместить понесенные ей убытки в установленных судом размерах и запретить деятельность компаний и лиц, которые привели к ним: китайского майнингового гиганта Bitmain, портала Bitcoin.
Japanese telecom giant SoftBank has denied media reports of its involvement in a pre-IPO funding round of bitcoin mining rig manufacturer Bitmain. Last week, several media outlets had reported that SoftBank and Chinese internet giant Tencent were leading a pre-IPO funding round for Bitmain.
Two major corporations have publicly denied involvement with the prospective initial public offering (IPO) of cryptocurrency mining giant Bitmain. Source: Tencent ‘Did Not Take Part’ In a fresh round of controversy over the plans, Chinese multinational Tencent and SoftBank, the largest investor in Uber, both rejected press claims they were participating.
Японская медиакорпорация SoftBank выступила с официальным опровержением своего участия в инвестиционной сделке с крупнейшим производителем майнингового оборудования Bitmain. Об этом сообщает Cointelegraph.
After a year of appeals, a US court has finally granted a dismissal for the lawsuit of United Corp. against Bitmain, Kraken, Roger Ver and others in the crypto space. Bitmain, Kraken and Others Off the Hook For Now The lawsuit (United American Corp.