2018-6-24 08:30 |
Yesterday, someone on Twitter posted the hash of a recent Bitcoin block, the thousands of Tweets and other conversations that followed have convinced me that Bitcoin has crossed the line into true cult territory.
It all started with this Tweet by Mark Wilcox:
— Mark Wilcox (@mwilcox) June 19, 2018
The value posted is the hash of Bitcoin block #528249.
The Bitcoin genesis block, the first bitcoin block, does have an unusual property: the early Bitcoin blocks required that the first 32 bits of the hash be zero; however the genesis block had 43 leading zero bits.
Cult of the Coin
First, let us define a couple of terms:
Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
The Cult of the Coin has many saints, perhaps none greater than Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym used by the person(s) that created Bitcoin.