According to the poll, more than 70 percent of respondents have no interest in buying bitcoin.
A further statistical and demographic breakdown of results shows a higher level of bitcoin awareness and acceptance among younger respondents and men.
The data shows that relatively younger investors with less than $100,000 in holdings are more likely to be familiar with bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
Women and seniors were overwhelmingly less likely to express an interest in bitcoin investment or an awareness of the asset category.
“Most investors are on the sidelines, knowing little to nothing about bitcoin.
By the end of 2021, Bitcoin will be trading below $30,000 according to 44% of respondents in a quarterly survey conducted by CNBC, following a report by CNBC’s Squawk Box. “44% of respondents in #CNBCQuarterltySurvey say #bitcoin will be below #30,000 at the end of the year.
Figures from a recent poll indicate that bitcoin and cryptocurrency are still viewed with suspicion by most U. S. investors, with only 2 percent of them holding bitcoin and another 75 percent of them describing bitcoin as “very risky.
38 percent of South Africans “wish they had invested” in cryptocurrency as businesses report “decent” interest in the emerging technology from corporate investors. 40 Percent of South Africans ‘Aware’ of Crypto Results of pan-African investment bank Old Mutual’s 2018 “Savings & Investment Monitor,” released this week, reveal attitudes to Bitcoin locally are swiftly transforming.
Eighteen percent of people in Turkey own crypto compared to eight percent in the United States, according to a study conducted by ING Bank. ING Bank Poll Finds 35% Europeans Agree Bitcoin Is the Future of Spending Online “Cracking the Code on Cryptocurrency” surveyed about a thousand respondents in each country to understand their attitudes.
Eighty-six percent of cryptocurrency firms’ executives and investors want the industry to self-regulate, new research published this week reveals. Part of the 2018 Cryptocurrency Survey by international law firm Foley & Lardner LLP, the majority of respondents also tipped Bitcoin to become the cryptocurrency of choice for transactions in the long term. The firm questioned
A consumer report released by multinational banking and financial services giant ING Group found results of increased interest in Bitcoin [BTC], with interest doubling in the near future. The report was conducted across 13 countries with 15000 respondents.