The BC Crypto Standard Team turned its attention to Telegram, a social network which serves the majority of blockchain users.
The confluence of these factors spelled opportunity, which the BC Crypto Standard team was among the first to recognize.
Alfred Chen, founding partner of BC Crypto Standard, believes that the current blockchain industry is ascendant, very similar to the internet market around 2000.
In addition to Telegram, BC Crypto Standard also completes the closed loop on platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
At the same time, BC Crypto Standard has established a branch in Belarus to provide blockchain companies with one-stop service for registration and compliance in Belarus.
Crypto fanatics, prepare to be blown away! In recent years, the cryptocurrency market has been booming, with new and innovative projects being developed to rival the likes of Paxos Standard (PAX).
BC Crypto Standard is fully empowered to facilitate leading companies throughout the world in next-generation blockchain through the big data-driven viral growth traffic operations.
The post BC Crypto Standard – Facilitates Companies Throughout the World in Next-Generation Blockchain appeared first on CoinSpeaker.
The One Solution to all of blockchain Issues The cryptographic money industry keeps on developing in 2018, with a groundswell of undertakings helping push cryptos into the standard. Bixtrim is a creative crypto-trade stage with rearranged access for everybody.
The value everybody wants for Bitcoin is $20,000. 00. This exists as a benchmark for Bitcoin’s ‘normal value’ by this, I am suggesting that $20,000. 00 is by no means a ceiling for Bitcoin, however it does mark a standard and healthy value for the currency.
IOTA is ready for the Internet of Things (IoT) scalability issues facing the modern Internet. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have a lot of things that seem standard. Miners, for example, process algorithms in exchange for coins.
This week, the U. S. Department of Justice and other law enforcement agencies banded together to bring down some bad actors on the dark web. EOS is undergoing some growing pains with the launch of its network, exposing the trials and tribulations of an all-too-centralized governance model.
Many in the cryptocurrency space are already familiar with the original token standard launched for the Ethereum blockchain – ERC20 – but very few know about the new and improved, more powerful ERC777 standard.
As market infrastructure improves security tokens will replace utility tokens as the standard for crypto issuance as investors realize they offer a better economic incentive.
Revealed exclusively to CoinDesk, Cordite, an open-source community that’s independent from R3, but building solely on the code it pioneered, is about to come out of stealth mode. Cordite promises to do for enterprise blockchains what the ERC-20 standard did for ethereum: allow the creation of different tokens representing various kinds of assets on the same network. Founded
In line with the new Japanese crypto-philosophy, which is sure to allow the blockchain revolution to flourish in Japan, authorities are now looking towards reducing current cryptocurrency tax rates, in order to introduce a new tax standard, which will see investors and traders pay tax at a fairer and less aggressive rate.
TRON has been making headlines as its Independence Day draws closer, and its value has been benefiting greatly. The startup, which aims to develop a decentralized internet, launched its mainnet on May 31, which caused genuine excitement in the crypto community.
What Arianee did to test that theory was create a new blockchain – a copy of ethereum which combines both permissioned and permissionless elements through its use of a consensus mechanism it’s calling “proof-of-authority.
The new regime seeks to allocate up to 500 megawatts, in addition to 120 megawatts of already existing initiatives. The starting rate is reportedly 1 Canadian cent ($0. 0075) per kilowatt hour, which is 20 percent above the industry standard price.
Dash, is short for “Digital Cash”, and it aims to become exactly that. A pioneer in the crypto industry, Dash’s protocol is modeled after Satoshi’s original blockchain and adds a few unique features for maximum speed, privacy, and lower transaction fees.
Jeff Garzik first tuned the world into his latest venture in the fall of 2017. The Bloq co-founder unveiled Metronome (MET), a cryptocurrency he founded alongside Matthew Roszak, at the Las Vegas Money 20/20 conference in late October, and the project caught the attention of Bloomberg and Fortune at the time.
esports. com, the famed bridge between cryptocurrency and online gaming are marching forward with a brand-new idea that is set to see the establishment of an Esports University. The Esports University will see a collaboration between the blockchain revolution, the online gaming industry and the education sector, in a move that is designed to both utilise the ERT Token and of course the Esports platform.
The shift has already started; finance is moving onto the blockchain, leveraging the decentralization and disintermediation benefits of the technology’s architecture.
The blockchain revolution is almost kept afloat by start-ups and companies with new and innovative ideas. Few however enter the business world with ambitions as high as SelfPay, Asia. According to The Next Web, SelfPay is very much intent on a future where cryptocurrency can be taken as a standard payment option, anytime, anywhere for anything.
South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Coinrail reported a hack on its website during the early morning hours of June 10, 2018. The thieves allegedly made off with over $40 million worth of altcoins and assorted tokens.
Canada’s Quebec province has announced that it will be suspending all approvals for new digital currency-mining projects so officials can consider deeper restrictions and potential energy price hikes.
Крупнейший русскоязычный агрегатор обменных криптосервисов Bestchange снова доступен для пользователей в России. Команда сервиса совместно с юристами компании DRC добилась разблокировки сайта.
Вечером в понедельник, 17 февраля, сайт издания прекратил открываться у многих читателей из России. Редакция выяснила, что провайдеры начали блокировать сайт по решению не указанного госоргана.
Crypto pundit Andrei Jikh has reignited the $100 XRP price target, sparking a bullish sentiment in the XRP community. The analyst outlined several factors that could contribute to the parabolic rally to the ambitious $100 target.
В Великобритании 17 февраля телевизионный канал Channel 4 представит документальный фильм под названием «В поисках Сатоси: Таинственный создатель Биткоина».
After three years in development, Dr Disrespect’s Midnight Society is shutting down, marking the end of its NFT-driven game project Deadrop. Video game YouTuber Dr Disrespect’s vision for a community-driven NFT shooter has come to an end. Midnight Society, the…
Мемкоин Unicorn Fart Dust (UFD) на основе Solana, созданный YouTube-блогером Рональдом Бранстеттером, который поддерживает инвестиции в золото и серебро, достиг рыночной капитализации более $240 млн спустя всего 48 часов после запуска.
A YouTube sensation is currently under fire after several on-chain investigators found traces of information that linked the social media influencer to dubious cryptocurrency promotions. These recent allegations against the content creator, MrBeast, again opened the debate on whether influencers should be held accountable when promoting crypto.