2020-10-23 19:19 |
On Monday, SatoshiLabs took to Twitter and Reddit to give the community a chance to ask us anything about our latest product, Trezor Suite. To help keep on top of all the replies, this blog will document some of the most pressing questions from the crypto community and expand on our upcoming plans. As the Public Beta for Trezor’s new cryptocurrency wallet manager progresses, you can look forward to many new features and fixes rolling out. Make sure you’ve signed up to our newsletter and keep an eye on your inbox to be among the first to hear the news.
To help keep things organized, the questions and answers will be sorted into two categories: features and functions. If you have any additional questions that are not covered here, you can browse other responses from Reddit or Twitter, and feel free to contact us directly using our support form.
Haven’t tried Trezor Suite yet? Get started by visiting our dedicated landing page and start using Bitcoin to its fullest.
FeaturesTor supportWe are currently working closely with the Tor foundation to enable this feature in a coming update. Keep an eye on our newsletter and social media for more details.
For those who don’t yet know about Tor, it is a privacy-focused network that routes all your web communications through a series of servers all over the world, making it incredibly difficult to trace your internet traffic. Tor is renowned as an indispensable tool for journalists and other individuals who may be at risk of persecution or espionage by governments or other organisations, so we are very excited to support their project with this implementation.
CoinjoinA very useful feature which helps to protect your privacy when sending Bitcoin transactions, CoinJoin is on the Trezor Suite roadmap and will be implemented in a future update.
CoinJoin works by creating a transaction that takes multiple inputs from various users and combines them into one transaction, then splits them again to send to their intended recipients, making it very difficult to trace any individual payment from one party to another.
Connecting to your own Full nodeOne of our most requested features, this is under development and will be implemented next year, once we are certain that it will work correctly for all our users. A full node is a computer which maintains complete copy of the Bitcoin blockchain, which helps decentralize and secure the network.
By default, Trezor Suite currently connects to SatoshiLabs’ nodes, but if you wish to connect to your own node in the meantime, you can compile our backend yourself and run that next to a full node and set a custom backend through Suite. You can also use Trezor with Electrum, details about how to do so are on the relevant GitHub page. To learn more about full nodes, you can read our Wiki entry and associated resources. If you wish to set up your own full node in preparation, you can refer to this guide.
DEX integrationUsing a decentralized exchange can offer many benefits when buying Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, allowing you to maintain full control of your coins throughout the process. We are in the process of assessing how to best support DEXs in Trezor Suite but it is an especially complex feature and not our priority at this time. We will release more information about this in the future.
Mobile AppThe Trezor Suite mobile app for Android is currently being designed and we expect to launch it during the first quarter of 2021. In the meantime, you can already use Trezor Suite on your phone through Chrome browser on your Android smartphone.
Lightning IntegrationWhile many of our users have asked about Lightning network integration, it is not a feature that makes sense for a hardware wallet.
Bitcoin Lightning transactions require that both the sender and receiver are online at the same time, which means your Trezor device would need to be connected online and unlocked any time that you are expecting a payment. While it would be possible to implement this feature, it undermines the purpose of having a hardware wallet.
To make the most of Lightning transactions, it is recommended to use a hot wallet on your computer or mobile, and then transfer the received balance to your Trezor wallet for safekeeping.
Setup and Management of Shamir Secret SharingIn Trezor Suite, we have made it easier to create Shamir Backups as well as to recover your wallet from Shamir Backup. This is an alternative method to using the BIP-39 mnemonic seed that most wallets rely on.
In 2019, SatoshiLabs created Shamir backup as a more secure and robust way to back up your wallet. Shamir backup, named after reknowned cryptographer Adi Shamir, splits your recovery seed (the 12 or 24 words which you wrote down when you first set up your Trezor), into multiple shares. On their own, no individual shares can be used to recover your wallet. Instead, two or more must be combined together to restore your coins. This provides insurance against loss, as you can store each share in a different location, and theft, as no robber could use a single share alone to access your funds.
A more advanced version, Super Shamir, is also available on your Trezor, though it is not supported through Trezor Suite. This splits each share into shares of their own and, while it can be an incredibly secure way to protect your seed, the complexity involved could be more detrimental for the average user. To create and recover Super Shamir backups, you will need to use our command line tool, trezorctl.
Multisignature setup and recoveryMultisignature is not a feature that we will be including in Trezor Suite for the time being. Both Trezor devices support multisignature in their firmware, and they can be used with the many variants of multisig wallets currently available, such as Electrum, Caravan or Lily Wallet or Unchained Capital’s Vault.
Multisignature is an advanced feature to manage control over Bitcoin funds across multiple parties. The interface with which to do so has already been implemented very well by other applications, so it does not make sense to support it in Suite just yet, especially as most Trezor users will not have a need for it.
Dark ModeYes, Trezor Suite will have a dark mode in the near future. We are currently making sure the color scheme is stylish enough for our most discerning users and should release it soon.
FunctionsCoin controlThis function is on our roadmap and will be implemented within the next year. It is dependent on CoinJoin’s implementation so this function will roll out at the same time. Coin control gives you the ability to choose what sources will be used to fund a transaction. Once added to Trezor Suite, you will be able to choose which address to use as inputs, letting you choose which inputs that make up the full amount of the transaction by combining fractions of the amount from different addresses you hold the key to.
Monero integrationAt the moment, Monero users can use Trezor with the Monero GUI, where it is fully integrated. We are considering adding Monero support to Trezor Suite in the future, but as an integrated GUI rather than full reimplementation of the Monero node into Suite, which would not make sense.
More natively-supported AltcoinsAt the moment, the Trezor Model T supports over 1600 coins and tokens. While we are open to adding more, we will only do so for projects that have proven their legitimacy and which can give evidence of active development and an engaged community. It takes a lot of time and resources to lay the foundation for new coins, especially if their design is very different from already existing cryptocurrencies.
Integrating a new coin takes cooperation from both sides, so the best way to get your favorite coin supported by Trezor is to contact the coin developers directly and ask them to reach out to us. We are always happy to work with other projects in the community.
Improving PassphraseThe passphrase feature offers a last line of defense against physical attack. It is recommended that everyone enable passphrase, but it is still an optional feature as improper use can leave you locked out of your wallet. To make it easier to use passphrase, we have simplified the process for those onboarding to Trezor Suite. We have also made it possible to either confirm on your device, which is more secure but potentially less practical, or through your host computer, to encourage as many users to activate passphrase as possible.
Ethereum mass transfers (upload via CSV)Users who wish to upload a .csv format file of their Ethereum transaction history will be pleased to hear that our next update will allow this.
And More to ComeThe above features and functionalities are merely a subset which users showed interest in during our AMA. We have a number of other improvements in the pipeline which we’d like to keep as a surprise for now. That said, if you would like to propose any more features, bug fixes or general usability improvements, we would love to hear from you. Please use the dedicated Trezor Suite feedback form and we’ll be sure to get back to you and perhaps discuss it further.
Thank you all for taking part, we will be hosting more AMAs in future and would love to have you join again. If you would like to go back through the replies, you can see the relevant Tweets here and the Reddit thread here. We look forward to hearing more from you as the beta continues!
All You Wanted to Know About Trezor Suite: AMA Highlights was originally published in Trezor Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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