Why Crypto Is So Important For Privacy With HTC Exodus’ Phil Chen.

Believe it or not, privacy has been classified as a fundamental human right by the United Nations. However, with the rise of the Internet, this seeming right has been breached time and time again, as consumers continually trade their precious information for what they see as improvements — however incremental — in their quality of. origin »

Enjin Coin Price Rises Again as Other Markets Stumble.

Some of the overarching market signs seem to indicate most currencies, tokens, and assets could resume their uptrend later today. Other signals indicate things are not looking all that great. As long as Bitcoin remains in the red, alternative markets will struggle. origin »

On peak indecisiveness.

Summing Bitfinex's margin BTCUSD long and short positioning charts gives us an indication of speculator decisiveness. You can pull this chart up on TradingView with "BTCUSDLONGS+BTCUSDSHORTS". origin »

Why HODL?.

Why HODL? It allows you to capture the gains of the market. Trading lets you beat it. In that zero-sum game, 10% of participants win, 90% lose. Are your skills in the top 10%? If not and you're still winning it's due to luck. Unfortunately being on the right side origin »

Overheard in a chatroom: Forecasting vs predicting.

I think of TA [technical analysis and charting that traders do] in exactly this forecast context. Veteran traders like Peter Brandt are forecasters. He's had decades of trading, he's removed much of his personal bias. He looks at chart setups more objectively. origin »

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