All You Need To Know About Atomic Swaps.

Trading your bitcoin with someone is not an easy one, especially when the exchange is between two parties who have no relation at all. The thought of being defrauded does not encourage individuals to trade their bitcoins for another. origin »

Tim Draper: Fiat To Falter, Crypto Assets To Succeed.

Tim Draper Holds His Unwavering Belief In Crypto Assets Ran NeuNer, the CEO of OnChain Capital and the host of CNBC Africa’s “Crypto Trader,” recently took to the Crypto Invest Summit in Los Angeles to speak with industry leaders, commentators, analysts, and prominent investors to garner an insider look on their short-term and long-term visions […] The post Tim Draper: Fiat To Falter, Crypto Assets To Succeed appeared first on Ethereum World News. origin »


Chinese Banks Launch Blockchain Settlement Platform.

Three Chinese banks have trialed a blockchain-based settlement system, completing their first payment last Friday. CEBNet, the news portal of the China Electronic Banking Network, reports that “Ping’Tai ” has recorded six transactions, for a total value of 30 million RMB. origin »


Google’s USB-C Pixel Buds are kind of a steal at $30.

I’ll be honest with you. When I reviewed the Pixel 3, I didn’t bother to give the included USB-C Pixel Buds – available separately for $30 – a fair shot. Just another cheap pair of plastic EarPod lookalikes, right? The first time I really listened to them happened to be right after spending an hour testing to the $4,000 Focal Utopia – some of the best headphones in the world – out of my $600 desktop amp. origin »

The Ripple Drop – Episode 6.

Welcome to the sixth episode of The Ripple Drop, a web video series covering the latest news about our customers, technology, products and culture. We’re getting deep into Ripple tech this month. origin »


DogeCash vs Dogecoin.

Even though Dogecoin has been of great interest to a lot of cryptocurrency speculators, it seems the project also lends itself to “offspring projects”. DogeCash, for example, is based on the core principles of Dogecoin, but with a few twists. origin »


Tech Firm Run by Doctors Turns to Blockchain to Fight Healthcare Fraud.

Data safety in healthcare is extremely important. Fraud in this industry not only creates financial losses for healthcare providers, insurers, and governments, it also directly harms patients. iAM, an established healthcare company, is launching a blockchain-based platform designed to give patients access to universal and comprehensive medical records. origin »


J.P. Morgan Banks on Quorum Blockchain to Offer Lucrative Trading Products.

Global investment banking firm JP Morgan is building Quorum, an enterprise blockchain platform built on the Ethereum Platform. According to the Financial Review’s article published on October 29, 2018, JP Morgan believes that the Quorum platform can open up new trading opportunities in the next decade as it will help tokenize of a variety of assets which include gold bars,. origin »

Is the Decline Over for Dogecoin [Doge]?.

Dogecoin has been declining since its spike in early September. A recent bounce which took place late last week was followed up by Doge continuing its decline. But the decline continuation was stopped short, and today Doge is back to rising. origin »

Why Top Accounting Firms Are Entering the Crypto Sphere.

The level of commitment that several accounting bodies are showing to the crypto space and blockchain is increasing. Many wonder what could be the reasons behind it? History has shown that most establishments exist so as to make gain irrespective of the market or sector that they operate from. origin »

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