Breaking: China Says ICOs and STOs Are Solicited Illegal Financial Activities, Involvement in Such Activities Will Be Severely Punished As of March 21 2019.

It appears that China is tightening its regulatory stance on cryptocurrency. The Beijing Finance Industry Association has published a… The post Breaking: China Says ICOs and STOs Are Solicited Illegal Financial Activities, Involvement in Such Activities Will Be Severely Punished As of March 21 2019 appeared first on Invest In Blockchain. origin »

Fake Wasabi Bitcoin Wallet Emerges.

A fake version of Wasabi wallet, probably designed to steal bitcoins, has emerged online at wasabibitcoinwallet. org. (Don’t visit that site. ) Wasabi Lead Developer Exposes Fake Website According to Wasabi developer nopara73 (the only confirmed identity he has), the site is only trying to assault Windows users. origin »


Craig ‘Satoshi’ Wright Claims to Have Filed 666 Blockchain Patents.

The race to file blockchain patents has accelerated lately with one specific firm, Nchain Holdings, attempting to capture hundreds of distributed ledger-related patents. According to reports, self-proclaimed Satoshi – Craig Wright – and his Nchain business claim to have filed 666 patent applications to date, capturing a gigantic portfolio of intellectual property. origin »

Russian Gold Stockpile Grows as Analysts Warn of Global Recession.

Following sanctions imposed on Russia, Putin is supporting a mass gold stockpile expansion and a sale of U. S. debt holdings. With a trade war blazing, and sanctions laid across countries to force North Korea and its associates into submission, what happens to other economies? Countries like Russia are using this opportunity to step away from America’s mounting debt. origin »


Privacy Protocols Could Be Good For Business.

Privacy coins normally have a tough time. But as QED-it's CEO explains, many businesses will only adopt blockchain if transactions can be kept private. The post Privacy Protocols Could Be Good For Business appeared first on Crypto Briefing. origin »


Ethereum Blockchain Being Used to Issue North Korean Visas.

From March 24, 2019, people wishing to visit North Korea may do so by purchasing ERC-721 visas issued on the Ethereum blockchain by a North Korean dissident group. Future Entry Besides the predominantly commercial use of blockchain, there have been a handful of other less-popular social aspects of its application. origin »


Lightning Loop Lets Users Empty Lightning Channels Without Closing Them.

Lightning Labs, the development team working to grow the Lightning Network, just released the alpha version of a new protocol called Lightning Loop. Lightning Loop is designed to give users the ability to deposit and withdraw bitcoin from their payment channels (the two-way payment gateways that allow users to send and receive funds to and from each other) without closing these channels entirely. origin »

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