ООН ставит технологию blockchain на повестку дня.

Генсекретарь ООН Антониу Гутерриш создал «Группу высокого уровня по цифровому сотрудничеству». Она будет заниматься изучением технологии blockchain. Сообщение ООН ставит технологию blockchain на повестку дня появились сначала на Freedman. источник »

Генпрокуратура США: российская разведка платила хакерам BTC, чтобы повлиять на результаты выборов президента США.

Группе российских офицеров военной разведки предъявлены обвинения в рамках продолжающегося расследования вмешательства в президентские выборы в США в 2016г, с использованием биткойна для финансирования хакерских операций. источник »


Новые законы ЕС о борьбе с отмыванием денег содержит недочеты.

Вступившая в силу директива ЕС о борьбе с отмыванием денег (AML) подверглась критике экспертов и аналитиков. В начале этой недели вступила в силу новая директива ЕС о борьбе с отмыванием денег (Anti Money Laundering — AML). источник »

Ripple (XRP) Might Still Make Big Gains This Year.

Ripple (XRP) had a catastrophic year so far. In late 2017 when Ripple (XRP) became so popular that it passed Ethereum (ETH) in market cap briefly and became a direct Bitcoin (BTC) competitor, Ripple (XRP) fans on most platforms were talking about how Ripple (XRP) could become the top cryptocurrency. origin »

Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash could Smoke as Robinhood decides to add them.

The competition for who will be the leader in online cryptocurrency trading platform was increased as one of the major platforms Robinhood announced an update in its trading platform. Although the market presently is sluggish and many did not expect this to happen presently due to the bearish nature of the market, that they will […] The post Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash could Smoke as Robinhood decides to add them appeared first on ZyCrypto. origin »

Самые известные криптовалютные индексы и что с ними делать.

При выборе криптовалют для долгосрочных инвестиций, помимо проведения собственного анализа, также обязательно стоит ознакомиться с криптовалютными индексами. Они помогут в формировании представления об общей динамике котировок криптовалют и настроения инвесторов без необходимости изучать каждую криптовалюту отдельно. источник »

«Король хедж-фондов» Стив Коэн провел инвестиции в криптовалютный стартап Autonomous Partners.

Стив Коэн стал одним из известнейших миллиардеров, которые сделали значительную ставку на будущее зарождающейся индустрии криптовалюты и технологии blockchain. Сообщение «Король хедж-фондов» Стив Коэн провел инвестиции в криптовалютный стартап Autonomous Partners появились сначала на Freedman. источник »


Trilliant is the Cryptocurrency to Follow. Why aren’t you investing?.

Amid complexity and perceived volatility of the cryptocurrency sector, some investors shy away from the market. Trilliant – a business firmly focused on building an infrastructure to support the mushrooming cryptocurrency sector – is set to launch more than 500 next generation ATM terminals in Europe later this year. In a decade, Trilliant has evolved origin »

What Is the Trump Task Force?.

Cryptocurrency and crime have been closely entwined for far too long. Bringing this connection to an end will be very challenging, for rather obvious reasons. The so-called Trump Task Force aims to address some of those concerns moving forward. origin »


Bitcoin ‘Bat Signal’ Appears on Slovakia’s Central Bank.

Banks in Slovakia, including the country’s central bank, briefly hosted a giant Bitcoin logo on their exteriors July 11 as part of an unannounced protest by a local action group. Slovak Banks ‘Remain In Darkness’ Photo and video evidence from around the capital Bratislava showed various institutions with a black-and-white ‘bat’ logo depicting Bitcoin and Monero. origin »


Brave: The First Blockchain-based Browser with 3 Million Users.

Brave Browser, a project by the co-founder of Mozilla, which saw its BAT ICO sell out in seconds, announced they have surpassed 3 million monthly active users. Brave Browser, more than a simple ad-blocker, allows users to surf the web, while still allowing webmasters to make revenue. By integrating Bitcoin payments directly on the browser, origin »

Crypto-Consumers Unafraid of Friday 13th as Profits Rise.

Data from Cointelegraph’s price indices and Coin360 show a rebound from weekly lows of $6,180 for Bitcoin, which had hit highs of $6,792 July 8. Bitcoin’s general price pattern continues to reflect a curious pattern of sudden losses followed by de facto flat performance, a cycle which commentators have failed to fully explain. Bitcoin price origin »

РАКИБ составила «белый список» российских криптокомпаний.

В России появился «белый список» участников криптоиндустрии. Реестр доверенных компаний, оказывающих услуги в сфере майнинга, инвестиций, а также подготовки и сопровождения ICO, создала Российская ассоциация криптовалют и блокчейна (РАКИБ). источник »


Hedge fund billionaire Steven Cohen enters Guido.

Billionaire investor Steven Cohen, once dubbed the “Hedge Fund King,” has reportedly entered the crypto space. According to a Fortune article published July 12, Cohen has invested in cryptocurrency-focused hedge fund Autonomous Partners through his VC firm Cohen Private Ventures. origin »

You can find collectibles from the MLB appearing at Ethereum..

Major League Baseball (MLB) is turning to blockchain to expand its fanbase. The game, MLB Crypto Baseball, will work similarly to CryptoKitties, which had a direct influence on the baseball league’s new game, according to MLB executive vice president of gaming and new business ventures Kenny Gersh. “We were already talking to Lucid Sight around origin »

Chinese Police Seize $1.5 Million Worth in Cryptos During FIFA Gambling Crackdown.

In the city of Guangdong, the police have arrested hundreds of individuals involved in online gambling platforms that facilitated betting with $1.5 billion in cryptocurrencies including bitcoin. An operation involving 21 public security authorities has cracked down on organized football gambling during the ongoing football World Cup, resulting in the arrests of some 540 individuals […] origin »

Opera for Android Integrates a Cryptocurrency Wallet.

Cryptocurrency is slowly making its way to the mainstream through various efforts. One project worth keeping an eye on is the new browser introduced by the Opera team. Its Android browser now has a built-in cryptocurrency wallet, which is a rather interesting feature, all things considered. origin »


Finance Professor Predicts Bitcoin Will Emerge as Digital Gold.

As crypto prices rise and fall, experts and casual observers alike are trying to predict the future of the digital economy. In addition to the media’s perpetual fascination with the prospect of a Bitcoin bubble, message boards and Reddit threads are packed with similar conversations about the efficacy and sustainability of digital currencies. origin »


Глава Минэкономразвития: в России появится правовая база для регулирования офшоров.

Кабинет министров подготовил пакет законопроектов, благодаря которому компании смогут переходить из зарубежной юрисдикции в российскую офшорную зону с сохранением капитала, прав и обязанностей. Об этом сообщил глава Минэкономразвития Максим Орешкин в эфире телеканала «Россия 24». источник »

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