XRP Technical Analysis: XRP Heading towards 15 Cents.

Fundamentals are positive for XRP and so far, more exchanges are actually listing XRP as their base currency for expediency purposes. However, regardless of all these, we are yet to see conclusive gains as prices yield to sell demand and are now trading below 45 cents and edging close towards 40 cents. origin »


The Alternative Way to Launch your Altcoin.

The crypto-landscape is awash with ICOs touting the latest solution to a problem you didn’t even know you had. Each week sees the launch of multiple new coins in blazes of glory, with features designed to overcome the flaws of the previous week’s big thing. origin »


Blockstream Buys Mining Equipment From Chinese Manufacturer Innosilicon.

Blockstream, one of the largest Bitcoin Core funding contributors, has evidently bought a lot of cryptocurrency mining equipment from the Chinese electronics hardware manufacturer Innosilicon. Does this mean that the company is setting up its own mining center? Also Read: Thomson Reuters Eikon to Display Data on 50 Cryptocurrencies From Cryptocompare Blockstream Buys Mining Equipment […] The post Blockstream Buys Mining Equipment From Chinese Manufacturer Innosilicon appeared first on Bitcoin News. origin »


No more Electricity Supply to Bitcoin Miners for now – Franklin PUD.

Franklin Public Utility District (PUD), local electricity providers in the rural areas of Franklin County, Washington, announced on July 29, 2018, that they will suspend the supply of electricity to bitcoin miners in the city till further notice, in order to review the impact of bitcoin mining operations on the electricity system. origin »

Apple eyeballs that $1 trillion mark.

Apple today posted its third quarter results, and the company’s massive growth continues unabated. Assuming this continues, it could become the first American company to be worth $1 trillion. Based on the company’s report, the iPhone and Apple services represented the largest growth in revenue for the company. origin »

Виталик Бутерин: Мы находимся в самом хвосте криптопузыря.

Создатель Ethereum Виталик Бутерин, сделавший так много для принятия и распространения криптовалют, поделился своими мыслями о текущем состоянии крипторынка. Об этом сообщает The Daily Hodl. Поводом для этого послужил твит криптоскептика Тима Свонсона, указывающий на падение веб-трафика биржи Coinbase, происходившего на фоне медвежьего рынка с начала этого года. источник »


Bitcoin Cash Fans Celebrate Independence Day One Year Later.

Today is the one-year anniversary of the ‘Bitcoin Independence Day’ that took place on August 1 2017. Since that day the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network and community have had a very productive year as the decentralized cryptocurrency has celebrated a ton of milestones including successful network upgrades, massive merchant adoption, and a wide variety of […] The post Bitcoin Cash Fans Celebrate Independence Day One Year Later appeared first on Bitcoin News. origin »

Survey: 88% of Crypto Exchanges Want Regulation for the Industry to Mature.

A new survey has found that 88 percent of crypto exchanges want regulation, while a third believe a market crash is a significant threat to the industry. The study, conducted by Mistertango, a crypto payment app that is regulated by the Bank of Lithuania, is based on responses from 24 cryptocurrency exchanges across Europe, Asia, […] The post Survey: 88% of Crypto Exchanges Want Regulation for the Industry to Mature appeared first on Coinjournal. origin »

NANO Price Fall: Beleaguered Coin Dips Below $2.

NANO (NANO)–A declining price continues to impact one of the more resilient communities in cryptocurrency. As the market continues to fall on Tuesday, NANO is nearing a 10 percent loss over 24 hours, dropping to below $2 for the first time since the astronomical price run the coin experienced in December 2017. origin »

BANKEX opens the way to get citizenship via cryptocurrency investment.

30 July 2018, New York- BANKEX,  in association with the MIGRONIS KFT immigration company, the MDL Legal Services PLLC law firm, and in cooperation with the Designated Agency of Vanuatu, has launched a new service which allows persons applying for the Vanuatu citizenship-by-investment program to make the required investment for citizenship via cryptocurrency (Bitcoin or Ether). […] origin »


Innosilicon объединилась с Samsung и создала T2-Turbo. Прибыльность «лучшего Биткоин-майнера в мире».

Полторы недели назад Innosilicon показала A10 ETHMaster. ASIC предназначен для Эфириума и будет приносить около 16 долларов за сутки в топовой комплектации. Окупаемость — чуть больше 10 месяцев. Сегодня компания анонсировала новую модель. На этот раз майнер поддерживает алгоритм SHA-256... источник »


Как хакеры чаще всего крадут вашу криптовалюту? Ответ исследователей.

С января по апрель мошенники украли 1,36 миллиарда долларов в криптовалюте, говорилось в весеннем отчёте Центробанка. За это время хакеры совершили 22 успешные атаки на биржи. Чаще всего мошенники крадут деньги с помощью фишинга — так преступники получают доступ к... источник »

Игра из Steam заразила компьютеры вирусом, который майнил криптовалюту.

Инди-игра под названием Abstracticism тайно майнила криптовалюту на тысячах компьютерах. Впервые информация о разоблачении игры появилась на youTube пространстве. В сентябре прошлого года Valve удалила почти 200 «вредных» игр от Silicon Echo Studios. источник »

Банк Китая использует блокчейн для выдачи земельных кредитов.

Сельскохозяйственный банк Китая (ABC), завершил выдачу кредита на сумму $300 000 с использованием блокчейна. Об этом сообщает местное издание Financial News. Банк впервые протестировал технологию в одном из своих филиалов в провинции Гуйчжоу в Китае. источник »

Is cloud mining dead or alive?.

It’s common knowledge that over the past few years cryptocurrencies, and especially Bitcoin, have been enormously growing in value and popularity, with their functionality continually extending. Their growing attractiveness gave a serious impetus to the development of cryptocurrency mining which can be explained as a process of cryptographic calculations. Nearly all cloud mining companies went … origin »

HashFlare’s Exit and the Future of Cloud Mining.

Cloud mining — a service that enables individual users to lease hashing power from dedicated cryptocurrency mining operations — came forth as professionalization and cartelization of the mining business began to drive out smaller and insufficiently equipped players from the scene. origin »

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