Sidera ICO.

Sidera platform for consumerizing cryptocurrencies by enabling their use in retail Point of Sale (POS) through a smartwatch and a contactless smartband. Sidera is an end-to-end solution for contactless and smartwatch retail point-of- sale (POS) including a full-stack reference implementation of all the components. origin »

Osmium Investment Coin ICO.

Osmium is the scarcest and most dense precious metal on earth. The only crux is – there is not enough of this element on our planet. And this is where the OiCOiN story starts: Knowing how to crystallize – having access and mining options on hand, the German Osmium Institute is able to market this super-precious product globally. origin »

What Is Everipedia?.

Most people use Wikipedia to find information online. It is a powerful platform, although there have been some censorship issues over the years. Everipedia may be a valuable extension of the existing Wikipedia platform, and it also seems to have an interesting tie-in with cryptocurrencies. origin »


Spread Betting: Crypto Speculation Without Crypto?.

Online sports betting company Bovada has issued a series of odds where you can bet for (or against) Bitcoin (BTC) coming back from its recent slump. Spread betting has become an integral part of Wall Street, but can it get the same kind of foothold in crypto? Yes, is almost certainly the simple answer. origin »

CoinMetrics Says Sad Truth is Majority of Bitcoin Transactions are Worthless.

The Sad Truth: Majority of Bitcoin Transactions are Worthless It turns out most of Bitcoin’s transactions don’t really do anything. About two-thirds of transactions made with the cryptocurrency are not for anything specific, meaning the exchanges have nothing to do with trading, buying or selling goods. A large number of actions taken by coin holders […] origin »

Cryptocurrency Billionaire Brock Pierce Believes Blockchain Can Save Puerto Rico.

According to ABC, cryptocurrency billionaire Brock Pierce believes that he can help contribute to Puerto Rico’s economic development through investments in blockchain technology. Not only can blockchain technology help with immediate disaster relief for local Puerto Ricans, it can also contribute to their struggling economy and help the country to become an international hub of… The post Cryptocurrency Billionaire Brock Pierce Believes Blockchain Can Save Puerto Rico appeared first on UNHASHED. origin »

Крупная социальная сеть Китая запускает токен на основе технологии Blockchain.

Популярная социальная сеть Китая Tianya Club объявила о запуске локального токена платформы на основе Blockchain. Сообщение Крупная социальная сеть Китая запускает токен на основе технологии Blockchain появились сначала на Freedman. источник »

Bitcoin Price Watch: Currency at $8,200.

At press time, the father of cryptocurrencies is up by approximately $200, and is now trading in the $8,200 range. The currency has been meandering between $8,000 and $8,200 for the past few days, with some ups and downs along the way. origin »

Регулятор Вьетнама запретил компаниям связывать деятельность с индустрией криптовалюты.

Государственная комиссия по ценным бумагам Вьетнама (SSC) запретила местным компаниям использовать криптовалюты. Сообщение Регулятор Вьетнама запретил компаниям связывать деятельность с индустрией криптовалюты появились сначала на Freedman. источник »

Соучредитель Uber и ветеран E*Trade запускают криптовалютную платформу Voyager с нулевыми комиссиями.

Соучредитель Uber и бывший руководитель E*Trade запускают беспроцентную службу криптовалютной торговли Voyager. Сообщение Соучредитель Uber и ветеран E*Trade запускают криптовалютную платформу Voyager с нулевыми комиссиями появились сначала на Freedman. источник »

PR: 1+1>2 – Justin Sun Acquired BitTorrent.

Few people know about the two failed attempts made by BitTorrent, former P2P leader, to transform itself into a media company after its decline from the height of BT download. Obviously, though once a technological game-changer, BitTorrent is no longer a favorite of the Internet industry. origin »


Neluns goes all in on Manhattan blockchain fund.

Equity research analysts of The Manhattan Blockchain Fund highly recommended us investing in The Neluns and becoming their anchor investor». On the private round of investments in June 2018, they have made the investment contribution of $1. origin »

Власти Ирана нацелены на создание национальной криптовалюты для обхода санкций со стороны США.

Власти Ирана готовятся к запуску государственной криптовалюты, котораяпоможет обойти экономические санкции США. Сообщение Власти Ирана нацелены на создание национальной криптовалюты для обхода санкций со стороны США появились сначала на Freedman. источник »


BitTorrent Acquired by Justin Sun.

A week before Tron’s mainnet launch, the news that Justin Sun and his blockchain startup acquired the developer of BitTorrent, a decentralized P2P protocol, for USD$140 million drifted across the Pacific. origin »

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