'Stake Solana with native teams,' exec suggests - Here's why

2024-4-16 22:00

Helius Labs' exec raises concerns about big corporations being top Solana validators.  However, one of Solana's native validators is amongst the super minority group.   Big corporations lThe post 'Stake Solana with native teams,' exec suggests - Here's why appeared first on AMBCrypto.

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Solana (SOL) на Currencies.ru

$ 135.9 (+0.14%)
Объем 24H $2.505b
Изменеия 24h: 0.02 %, 7d: -12.77 %
Cегодня L: $0 - H: $139.51
Капитализация $60.793b Rank 5
Цена в час новости $ 134.05 (1.38%)

solana exec native big stake corporations validators

solana exec → Результатов: 19