Результатов: 20

Twitter ‘Likes’ Bitcoin As Sentiment Moons: Clear Skies Ahead?

Bitcoin prices are partially set at the watercooler. Since most cryptocurrencies have yet to reach meaningful adoption, market movements depend on the whims of the investing public. Questions like “do most people expect Bitcoin to crash?” have more weight for short-term movements than the technical specifications of PoW mining or the Lightning Network. дальше »

2019-5-3 22:28


Bitcoin’s Social Contract Must Be Resilient to the Whims of Future Generations

Over the last few years, infighting and different visions has led to significant divides within the Bitcoin community, weakening the network effects no matter which chain you support. With all the arguments about scaling, privacy, consensus changes and the various forks, it is amazing that these public networks are still thriving. дальше »

2019-2-14 19:55

Prominent CEO: Bitcoin Isn’t Digital Gold Yet, But $10,000 Is Still Possible

Over the decade-long history of Bitcoin, the popular digital asset has been called everything from a money launder’s tool to the first-ever truly global currency. But, although Bitcoin’s definition has undoubtedly changed over the years due to the whims of investors and industry leaders, many still believe that BTC is on the cusp of becoming digital gold. дальше »

2018-10-21 14:57