Alcoa - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Japanese Firms SBI and GMO Join the Digital Gold Rush in Texas
The city of Rockdale, Texas is attracting attention again, similar to the interest the region saw back in the fifties when the Alcoa aluminum smelting facility set up shop. These days, Rockdale’s change is due to the influx of bitcoin miners coming to town from all around the world. дальше »
2020-1-8 18:00 | |
Bitmain Should Know Everything Is Bigger In Texas, As A New 1 Gigawatt BTC Mine Breaks Ground
Competition is ever-present in the cryptocurrency industry, and Bitmain clearly wants to stay ahead. The platform recently launched a bitcoin mine in Texas, located at a former Alcoa plant, but it, unfortunately, isn’t getting an award for the “world’s largest” anytime soon. дальше »
2019-11-22 18:43 | |
Bitmain приостанавливает операции майнинга в штате Техас
Китайский гигант майнинга, компания Bitmain Technologies, приостановила деятельность в городе Рокдейл американского штата Техас. Летом прошлого года Bitmain начала строительство новой фабрики в помещении бывшего завода по производству алюминия в Рокдейле, однако после падения экономики криптоотралси операции на техасской фабрике приостановились. дальше »
2019-1-14 13:51 | |
Bitmain Suspends Work on Bitcoin Mine in Texas
Bitmain, the largest manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining rigs in the world, has suspended all of its operations in Texas, where the company was supposed to build the largest mining operation in the country, Texas Public Radio reported on January 11, 2019. дальше »
2019-1-13 14:00 | |
Компания Bitmain приостановила майнинговые операции в штате Техас
Ведущий производитель оборудования для майнинга биткоина и оператор нескольких крупных пулов компания Bitmain приостановила деятельность по добыче криптовалют на принадлежащей ей ферме в Рокдейле, Техас. дальше »
2019-1-12 13:13 | |
Coinmint выпускает мусорные облигации для привлечения инвестиций в новый дата-центр
Американская майнинговая компания Coinmint для разворачивания майнинговых мощностей на территории плавильного завода Alcoa East Facility в штате Нью-Йорк начала выпуск мусорных облигаций. По подсчетам специалистов компании, инициатива требует около $700 млн инвестиций. дальше »
2018-10-30 11:24 | |
Old Alcoa Aluminium Facilities are Turning into Cryptocurrency Mining Operations
Various Aluminum Sites Have Been Revamped for Crypto Mining Facilities The old Alcoa aluminum facilities are finally being put to good use as one more of these facilities has just been embarked into the crypto mining industry. дальше »
2018-8-20 20:49 | |
Central TX Town hit Hard by Unemployment Finds Hope in Bitcoin Mine
Now the small town of Rockdale, about an hour northeast of Austin, is hoping the days of “used to” are used up. A Chinese company plans to open a Bitcoin mining operation in part of the old Alcoa plant just outside of town, bringing with it the prospect of 300-500 jobs, according to local media reports. дальше »
2018-7-31 20:36 | |
Bitcoin Miner Aspires to Launch Largest Crypto Mining Facility in the U.S.
Coinmint, a cloud mining service provider, has confirmed it will go ahead with its proposed plan to open a cryptocurrency mining plant in an abandoned smelter previously used by Alcoa, in Massena, New York. дальше »
2018-6-11 01:16 | |