2018-7-9 08:06 |
The newly featured resource called the ‘Blockchain Factory,’ will offer financial management services to companies whose business operations deal directly and indirectly with cryptocurrency solutions and blockchain technology.
Also read: A Look at the Long and Annoying Process of Claiming Bitcoin Forks
This German Bank Plans to Provide Special Bank Accounts for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Companies
Over the past few years as cryptocurrencies have gained in popularity a few companies like exchanges and brokerage services that deal with digital currencies have had issues with their banking providers.
Banks and other financial management services have ceased their partnerships with cryptocurrency firms and have closed business accounts making it very difficult for blockchain companies to establish reliable banking partners.
Last March, Solarisbank raised $70Mn USD in a Series B funding round from firms such as ABN Amro, SBI Group, Visa, BBVA, and Lakestar.
Moreover, the firm will establish partnerships with cryptocurrency companies that deal with banking and debit cards within their business model.