2018-11-4 14:56 |
Building a DApp on Ethereum is a challenge that many developers have not faced before. One such developer is Michael J. Cohen, who is a front-end developer in NYC. He spent the summer creating a Dapp. The Dapp was a fantasy football game known as Blockgame. He has now decided to share his journey with the world.
How It StartedIt all began in May when a friend suggested he invested in a token called Makers, which backs the Dai stable coin. However, he had not really taken a keen interest in the crypto world. He eventually invested $150 after some research. He soon realized that he should have first tried to master Ethereum, on which the coin was built before understanding tie coin itself.
Creating Smart ContractsFor those who use Javascript, understanding Solidity on which Ethereum is based is as tough as learning React Native according to him. There are numerous tutorials online. However, it is a bit hard to find Stack Overflow with the approach that you need.
He started by examining CryptoZombies, which is a well-designed DApp, perfect for newbies. He studied six lessons and at the end, had a good grasp of how things work. He then studied a YouTube series divided into 24 parts.
Picking His ProjectCohen claimed that it was hard to learn a new project without applying it. Thus, he looked for a project to hone his skills. He settled on sports betting for his project. He adds that he is not the only one to have seen the potential of the blockchain in sports betting.
While writing his article, the top two DApps that do not exchange were both dice games. He then wanted to create a chart board for DApp developers. However, he decided the idea was too ambitious as a first project.
Creating The Game On A Smart ContractHe decided to create something that would use the blockchain but was not too complicated. He decided that fantasy football would be a good idea. His game would come with an entry fee and prizes for those who finish first. Nonetheless, the game would need strategy and not just luck to win.
Interaction with the smart contract would be easy for users to understand. He also gave himself a hard deadline as the start of Football season in the US. His first pass on the smart contract was done in a month. Most of the time was spent understanding Truffle.
He used the test functionality in Truffle to craft his smart contract. He even wrote JavaScript test to validate the Solidity code. However, during that time, he discovered an issue which he was not sure he could fix.
His faced issues trying to get the DApp on-chain; however, after a while, he found his solution. Despite that, there are still areas he thinks could do with some improvement. For instance, the transaction costs are still too high. There is also the issue of manual data entry. However, Blockgame is working. He looks forward to learning more about DApps.
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