2018-7-31 02:01 |
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are fast becoming anathema to the cryptocurrency industry. More than 81 percent of all ICOs are fraud. Most investors and enthusiast are unaware of these pump and dump schemes. Due to it unregulated nature, most of these ICOs successfully swindle individuals get away with it.
The Emergence of Cryptocurrency Research CentersIn recent times, specialized cryptocurrency research centers have been established. These centers were created to analyze cryptocurrency market conditions and information which analysts provide. Such analysts must have had experience working with large securities companies and private equity fund firms.
The primary objective of these centers is to help individuals better understand the dynamic cryptocurrency market from an investor’s view. ICOs have continued to be plagued by these frauds, and these special centers are in place to curb the disease amid a regulatory vacuum.
Notable Strides Made So FarChain Partners Inc., South Korea’s first blockchain company builder, announced on July 29 that it was hiring employees for its research center. Cryptocurrency analysts who have five-year work experience in the investment banking industry stand a better a chance being hired by the company. The Chain Partners Research Center is headed by Han Dae-hoon, the former analyst at SK Securities Co. and Shinhan Investment Corp.
The center is taking important steps, as it already presented a cryptocurrency index for the first time in Korea. Apart from this, a daily report analyzing the cryptocurrency market home and abroad is published. Another important step the Korean research center is trying to take is developing an index like the KOSPI 200. This can show the price trend and transaction data of major cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
China Partners is not the only center willing to have an index. Bloomberg, together with US fund industry legend, Michael Novogratz, created Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index (BGCI). The BGCI also bases its calculations based on cryptocurrencies with the most market capitalizations and transactions, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple.
Regularizing the Cryptocurrency Research Center SceneAnother company which recently launched its own research center, is Coinone, South Korea’s third-largest cryptocurrency exchange. The primary goal of the center is to present a premium standard for cryptocurrency analysis. Like Chain Partners Research Center, it also releases a report on cryptocurrency analysis and weekly market conditions.
Streami Inc. is not left out, as it recently received an ISO/IEC270001 information security certificated by the International Organization for Standardization. The company which runs cryptocurrency exchange, Gopax, is gearing towards providing Cryptopic that contains essential information on crypto investment.
Binance, one of the largest digital currency exchanges by market capitalization, is set to launch an application app called Binance Info. The company is test running the app by recruiting pre-users before the official release. According to a Binance official, Binance Info would provide information on about 1,200 coins and industry news.
The post Curbing the Menace of ICO Fraud in the Cryptocurrency Industry appeared first on Ethereum World News.
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