AI firm DecideAI deploys OpenAI’s GPT-2 on Internet Computer (ICP) blockchain

AI firm DecideAI deploys OpenAI’s GPT-2 on Internet Computer (ICP) blockchain
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2024-8-28 18:45

In a pioneering move, DecideAI has successfully deployed OpenAI’s GPT-2 model on the Internet Computer (ICP) blockchain, marking the first instance of a complete AI model being hosted on-chain.

This achievement opens new possibilities for decentralized AI applications, particularly in healthcare, finance, and education as the world of blockchain technology continues to evolve.

A milestone for on-chain AI models

DecideAI’s decision to place the GPT-2 model, originally released by OpenAI in 2019, on the ICP blockchain is a groundbreaking advancement in the integration of AI with decentralized technologies.

According to DecideAI’s founder and CEO, Raheel Govindji, this initiative aims to explore innovative methods for training, maintaining, and deploying AI models across various industries.

By deploying GPT-2 on-chain, DecideAI is not only testing the feasibility of decentralized AI but also addressing critical issues such as trust and privacy concerns. The company believes that future on-chain AI models could significantly impact sectors like healthcare, where they could be used to analyze patient data and recommend treatments.

In the finance and education sectors, these models could enhance fraud detection, improve data training, and ensure that model updates are verifiable on-chain.

Moreover, DecideAI is already looking ahead to extend its approach to other prominent blockchains like Ethereum and Solana. Lomesh Dutta, DecideAI’s vice president of growth, emphasized the company’s long-term vision of developing interoperable AI systems across multiple blockchain ecosystems, potentially revolutionizing the way AI applications are implemented in decentralized environments.

Importance of AI models on blockchain technology

The deployment of AI models on blockchain technology holds promise for solving some of the inherent challenges associated with AI, such as data privacy, trustworthiness, and transparency.

In traditional AI systems, data privacy is often a concern due to centralized data storage and processing. By contrast, a decentralized AI model like the one launched by DecideAI on the ICP blockchain ensures that data remains secure and verifiable.

The implications of this approach extend beyond just privacy. In the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, AI is already being utilized for fraud detection, identity verification, and anti-money laundering efforts.

The decentralized nature of the ICP blockchain, combined with the capabilities of AI, could lead to more robust and trustworthy systems in various industries.

Internet Computer (ICP) price reaction

As DecideAI makes headlines with its pioneering on-chain AI deployment, the Internet Computer (ICP) cryptocurrency has experienced notable price movements. As of the latest data, ICP is priced at $7.76, with a 24-hour change of -3.2%.

Despite this short-term volatility amid a broader market fall, ICP’s price has seen a modest increase of 5.3% over the past week and has decreased by 18.1% over the past month amid increased AI hype as the market awaits Nvidia’s Q2 earnings report.

Moreover, ICP has demonstrated a remarkable 124.2% growth over the past year, highlighting its resilience and potential as a leading blockchain for innovative projects like DecideAI’s.

With DecideAI’s recent achievement, the ICP blockchain continues to solidify its position as a key player in the decentralized technology space, attracting attention from developers and investors alike.

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