Результатов: 181

United States Crypto Miners Are Now Using as Much Power as Houston

Powers Combined Even if the crypto market isn't exactly growing in terms of profit, miners it are certainly increasing their energy consumption. The New York Times reported this week that just seven of the biggest Bitcoin mining companies are now using nearly as much electricity as all the homes in Houston combined, meaning that all crypto mining […] дальше »

2022-7-20 17:54

HOM-NFTs: Proceeds from world housing to fund 3D printed homes for homeless families

HOM DAO has announced that they will be dropping the WORLD HOUSING 3D HOM-NFT COLLECTION, on June 20, 2022. The goal of the initiative is to raise $3,000,000 USD which will fund the development of 3D-The post HOM-NFTs: Proceeds from world housing to fund 3D printed homes for homeless families appeared first on AMBCrypto. дальше »

2022-6-21 16:55

Житeли CШA cмoгут взять ипoтeку пoд oбecпeчeниe кpиптoвaлютaми

Hoвый пpoeкт дeцeнтpaлизoвaннoгo финaнcиpoвaния USDC. homes пpeдлaгaeт пoкупaтeлям жилья в CШA ипoтeчныe кpeдиты, пoзвoляющиe пpиoбpeтaть дoмa c иcпoльзoвaниeм кpиптoвaлюты. Для пoлучeния кpeдитa в кaчecтвe зaлoгa пpинимaютcя тaкиe кpиптoвaлюты, кaк биткoйн (BTC), эфиpиум (ETH), cтeйблкoйн USD Coin (USDC) и дpугиe пoпуляpныe цифpoвыe aктивы. дальше »

2022-4-27 18:15

The Basics of Investing in Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency trading has seen a boom in recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic having people look for alternative investments that can be done in the comfort of their homes. However, the world of cryptocurrency, like any other fields that deal in valuable assets, have also been plagued with scams, and impulsively investing in cryptocurrency without […] The post The Basics of Investing in Cryptocurrency appeared first on NullTX. дальше »

2021-12-6 20:14


How to Yield Farm on Multiple Chains Without Leaving Your Home Chain

It looks like decentralized finance (DeFi) has reached a new phase of expansion in its relatively short but booming history. Ethereum hosted most of the growth experienced during DeFi Summer 2020, but nowadays a bevy of other Layer 1 blockchains are providing homes for DeFi protocols and their services, and users have an entree toRead More дальше »

2021-10-30 13:00