Cryptograffiti - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Любитель Биткоина продает на аукционе «горящие доллары» в виртуальной реальности
Любитель криптовалют под ником Cryptograffiti запустил аукцион для набора принтов, которые интегрированы в приложение дополненной реальности. Произведение искусства базируются на его работе «The United Nodes of Bitcoin» от 2016 года, то есть «Объединённые ноды Биткоина». Это заключенные в стеклянную рамку... дальше »
2020-10-21 19:30 | |
Cryptocurrency Artist Recreates Famous $120,000 Duct-Taped Banana Art Installation
Cryptocurrency artist and designer, CryptoGraffiti, carved a private key to a Bitcoin address onto a banana and taped it to a wall, asking someone to claim it before it rots away. The act takes after a recently famous $120,000 artwork installation of a banana taped to a wall at Art Basel which was later consumed […] The post Cryptocurrency Artist Recreates Famous $120,000 Duct-Taped Banana Art Installation appeared first on BeInCrypto. дальше »
2019-12-9 13:10 | |
Bitcoin 2019 Gears Up to Bring Bitcoin Back Into the Conference Spotlight
We’re a month and some change away from Bitcoin 2019: a conference made by Bitcoiners, for Bitcoiners. The conference will rekindle the same spirit of a similar Bitcoin conference that ended five years ago. дальше »
2019-5-3 15:10 | |
Venezuelan Protestors Take Down President Maduro’s Image By Crypto Artist Cryptograffiti
Venezuelan Protestors Take Down Maduro’s Image In Crypto Art Exhibit A part of the people in Venezuela wants to take down president Nicolas Maduro and it looks like they have a chance do it now, at least to take down an image of him, which was created by a crypto-focused artist. Cryptograffiti, the artist that […] дальше »
2019-2-27 23:32 | |
Bolivars to Bitcoin: Activists Take Down Venezuela’s Maduro in Crypto Art Exhibit
As the situation in Venezuela continues to escalate, artist cryptograffiti, crypto exchange AirTM and merchant services provider Cripto Conserje have teamed up for an all-day fundraiser to tear down – in whatever way they can – Maduro's regime. дальше »
2019-2-27 20:00 | |
Cryptograffiti’s Latest ‘Running Bitcoin’ Portrait Sees Auction Bids of Over $30K
In roughly three days, on Feb. 7, Cryptograffiti’s latest art auction on Bitify will come to an end. “Running Bitcoin,” a tribute to the legendary cryptographer Hal Finney, currently has a bid of $31,000 at the time of writing. дальше »
2019-2-5 04:29 | |
Living on Bitcoin Day 7: A Supposedly Fun Thing I’d Definitely Do Again
This is the seventh instalment of reporter Colin Harper's "Living on Bitcoin" experience in San Francisco. Find out what happened to him earlier on Day 1 , on Day 2 , on Day 3 , onDay 4, on Day 5 and on Day 6. дальше »
2019-1-29 01:51 | |
Living on Bitcoin Day 6: An Artist, a Dev and a Moon Boy Walk Into a Bar…
This is the fifth instalment of reporter Colin Harper's "Living on Bitcoin" experience in San Francisco. Find out what happened to him earlier on Day 1 , on Day 2 , on Day 3 , onDay 4 and on Day 5. дальше »
2019-1-23 01:05 | |
Криптохудожник продал свое произведение с помощью Lightning
Криптохудожник с псевдонимом Cryptograffiti организовал аукцион на своем личном сайте. Лотом стало его произведение Black Swan. Примечательно, что 77 инвесторов, принявших участие в мероприятии, могли делать ставки за арт-объект только через систему микроплатежей Lightning. дальше »
2018-12-24 17:55 | |
Cryptograffiti’s Blockchain Art Collective Profile Promotes Bitcoin’s Lightning Network for Payments
Art Micro Auction Brings To Focus Bitcoins Lightening Network Art is expressive of its times, a certain je ne sais quoi that the artist wants to highlight. And that is exactly what was achieved when a recent auction was held for the artwork by Cryptograffiti, simply named the ‘Black Swan’. The piece is exactly what […] дальше »
2018-12-22 20:09 | |
Crypto Artist Sells This Art Piece At $0.000000037 Using Lightning Network
Is “pay for coffee” your standard for micro-transactions? You may want to think again… Cryptograffiti, an anonymous artist dedicated to working with topics related to crypto and blockchain technologies recently published in Reddit a post claiming to have conducted a “micro auction” to sell a small work of art made from a dollar bill. дальше »
2018-12-22 09:43 | |
Lightning Network Milestone: ‘Micro-Auction’ Art Piece Sells for $0.000000037
A ‘Black Swan’ art piece by Cryptograffiti has auctioned to the lowest bidder for a milli-satoshi or just $0. 000000037 thanks to the Bitcoin Lightning Network, making the winning likely the world’s cheapest auction. дальше »
2018-12-22 01:00 | |
Tiny Artwork Sold In A Tiny Auction Via Tiny Lightning Network Payments
Crypto artist cryptograffiti sold a miniature piece of art to show that micropayments can work.
дальше »2018-12-22 22:03 | |
На блокчейн-аукционе продан самый недорогой предмет искусства благодаря сети LN
19-го декабря криптохудожник Cryptograffiti провел аукцион по продаже своего произведения Black Swan (Черный лебедь), установив своеобразный рекорд: его работа стала самым дешевым арт-объектом, когда либо проданным на аукционе, что стало возможно благодаря сети Lightning. дальше »
2018-12-22 21:53 | |
Криптохудожник продал свое произведение за 1 милли-сатоши
19-го декабря криптохудожник Cryptograffiti провел аукцион по продаже своего произведения Black Swan (Черный лебедь), установив своеобразный рекорд: его работа стала самым дешевым арт-объектом, когда либо проданным на аукционе, что стало возможно благодаря сети Lightning. дальше »
2018-12-22 21:30 | |
Tiny Artwork Sold in Micro Crypto Auction for Lowest Bid of 1 Millisatoshi
Crypto artist “cryptograffiti” has sold a tiny artwork in a “micro auction” in a bid to promote Lightning Network (LN) micropayments
дальше »2018-12-22 17:34 | |
Sold! Lightning Network Art Auction Goes to the Lowest Bidder
Yesterday, an auction was held by cryptocurrency and blockchain artist @cryptograffiti for a piece titled “black swan,” which the artist made using “fiat and counterfeit detector pen ink. дальше »
2018-12-21 20:15 | |